Image of Year 5 - PSHE Coram Life Education
10 Jan

Year 5 - PSHE Coram Life Education

Today, Year 5 participated in a Coram Scarf life education session that discussed: the importance of keeping our bodies healthy, how amazing our bodies are and how best to look after them, discussed the role that controlled drugs play within the body, friendships, the importance of healthy friendships and how best to be a good friend. We looked at and practised the difference between being aggressive, passive and assertive when dealing with conflict and issues within friendship groups. Finally the class discussed and took part in role play when given a variety of scenarios related to friendship issues.

Image of Year 5 - Soluble Materials
9 Jan

Year 5 - Soluble Materials

During our science lesson, Year 5 have been exploring soluble materials and the relationship they have with different solvents. Year 5 conducted an experiment to find out which materials were soluble and which were insoluble. The children conducted the experiment in a fair capacity ensuring that the solvent used was the same and the amount of materials were equal. The children wrote their results in a chart and explained their findings.

Image of Year 3 Science - Caring For Our Pets
9 Jan

Year 3 Science - Caring For Our Pets

For Science this week we continued learning about how we can care for our pets at home. We discussed what different pets need to be healthy and well looked after and looked at the five welfare needs. We then created our own care guides for our pets.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: Courage and Epiphany
9 Jan

Rev Ben’s Worship: Courage and Epiphany

This morning, Rev Ben came in to talk about courage and how the wise men showed courage on their journey to meet Jesus. The children shared their bravest moments and they enjoyed joining in with the Bible story and especially Rev Ben’s impression of a grumpy and mean King Herod. We reflected on how the wise men showed courage, how we can show courage this week and how it helps us to know that Jesus is always with us. This doesn't mean that the fear goes away but Jesus helps us to face our fears and be courageous, just like the wise men.

Image of Life Education Workshops
8 Jan

Life Education Workshops

Good afternoon parents and carers, it has been lovely to have the children back in school today and to see them catch up with their friends. They are all excited to try out the new outdoor gym and over the week they will be shown how to use all of the equipment correctly, before we start out lunch and break time timetable next week. On Wednesday or Thursday this week, each class will have a special visit from Harold the Giraffe from the life education programme and will take part in the following PSHE workshop. Reception: All about me Year 1: My Wonderful Body Year 2: Feelings Year 3: Meet the Brain Year 4: It's great to be me Year 5: Friends Year 6: Decisions The children always really enjoy the interactive sessions and get a lot out of them, which is why we pay for the life education sessions each year. On Thursday morning parents and carers are welcome to drop in from 8.45am-9.00am to see Karen from Coram Life Education and ask any questions you might have about the sessions.

Image of Year 5 - Tactical Play
8 Jan

Year 5 - Tactical Play

During our PE lesson, Year 5 have been building on their knowledge and understanding of invasion games. This week the children were learning about tactical work within any chosen game. They took part in ball games to gain a clearer understanding of time and space. The children will then apply their knowledge and understanding to racket and other invasion games.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
8 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings visited the forest schools area of Whitehall Park today for the first time. They enjoyed exploring and also had a go at making camp fires and bug houses.

Image of Epiphany Collective Worship
8 Jan

Epiphany Collective Worship

It was wonderful to have our school family back together again for our first collective worship after the Christmas holidays. Today we focused on Epiphany which is when the three wise men went to see baby Jesus. Our Reception class Kings helped up to learn about the special gifts that they gave to Jesus and what they symbolised. Gold= King Frankincense= God and Myrrh = Sacrifice. We then watched a short film called 'Far from home' which we thought was about modern day refugees but the more we watched it, the more we realised that it was very similar to the Nativity story. We discussed how Mary, Joseph and Jesus had to flee as King Herod wanted to kill Jesus. We reflected on how they must have felt and how it must feel for those children nowadays who are living in places that aren't safe, such as in Palestine, Israel and Ukraine. We then thought about how we can support refugees who arrive in our country seeking safety. We had some brilliant answers such as give them a warm welcome, donate toys, food, clothes and money etc. We then looked back at some of the generous work we have been doing to support Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise such as donating toys, books and chocolate at Christmas time. We finished with a prayer and sang 'We three kings' and noticed what the three gifts symbolised- King, God and sacrifice, in the song.

Image of Merry Christmas Everyone!
22 Dec

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Good afternoon parents and carers, what a fantastic last week we have had at St Barnabas celebrating Christmas. Each class has visited the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park to see the lovely Christmas art work and enjoyed singing Christmas carols. Our Christmas parties were great fun and the infants got a special visit and gift from Santa & the children in KS2 were left special presents from him too. This morning we had our Christmas church service and this afternoon we presented our amazing attendance winners with their certificates and had a singalong to our Christmas video. To see all of our latest news from each class, please click here: I’m delighted to let you know that Sean Dunn is our new parent governor and you should be able to spot him in our Christmas video along with some of our other governors, our staff and children. It wouldn’t be Christmas at St Barnabas without our special Christmas video to wish you all a merry Christmas from our whole school family. Here it is: On behalf of our whole staff team, we would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and we hope that it is filled with moments of peace, love and joy. Thank you so much for your kind words, cards and gifts. We look forward to seeing you all next year when the Spring term starts on Monday 8th January. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you all, Mrs Ham and the St Barnabas staff team

Image of Autumn Amazing Attendance
22 Dec

Autumn Amazing Attendance

A huge well done to our amazing attendance winners for having 96% or above attendance for the Autumn term. Well done!

Image of Thank you from DARE ( Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise)
22 Dec

Thank you from DARE ( Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise)

Thank you so much to our staff team and our Year 1 kindness elves for donating Christmas items to Darwen Asylum and Refuger Enterprise. The donations have been used to create Christmas hampers for families in need. They were distributed at the DARE Christmas party and were gratefully received.

Image of Christmas Church Service
22 Dec

Christmas Church Service

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us this morning for our Christmas Church Service. I have attached some photos and snippets for those of you who were unable to join us due to work commitments. A huge well done to our Key Stage 2 children for showcasing what they have been learning in RE this half term and a special thank you to Year 6, who led our service. We thanked Rev Ben and Rev Matt for their service to our school family. We also gave a special gift to Glenda, who has decided to retire from her volunteering role in school. Thank you so much Glenda for everything you have done for our school family over the years. It was wonderful to hear about all the great ways that our children have been spreading love and joy to our community through singing carols, delivering Christmas cards to the elderly and donating toys and gifts to the Rotary Club and DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise). Thank you so much for your generous donations.