Running Club
Another amazing session of running club got underway this week. All the children showed incredible determination and resilience during running club to improve on their times from last week; in preparation for the cross country event.
Year 5 - Orienteering
During our orienteering session, the children worked really hard to remember symbols on a map. The children then used the symbols to locate objects around the school grounds. The children worked as teams to locate the items and find the best possible routes to find them efficiently.
Rev Matt’s Worship: The Story of Zacchaeus
This morning Rev Matt began our worship talking about soft and hard materials and how some materials can be softened. This led nicely into the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector who had a hard heart and did not treat people very well. However, when Jesus called Zacchaeus to Him and requested to go to Zacchaeus’s house, Zacchaeus changed and had a softer heart. The story taught us that those who struggle are the ones who need our kindness most.
Year 3- British Science Week- Time- Experimenting Yeast Burps every 15 minutes for 45 minutes.
The future Scientists of Year 3 had a fun science project for British Science Week, all about making electricity without burning coal. Working in pairs, they had four cups, each numbered 1 to 4, with yeast added to all of them. Cup 1 got 150ml of cold water, cup 2 got the same amount of warm water, cup 3 had warm water and a teaspoon of salt added, and cup 4 had sugar and 150 ml of warm water. They secured the cups with gloves and rubber bands to keep air in. They observed what was happening every minute 15 minutes for 45 minutes to see how things changed over time. Before experimenting, Year 3 predicted what might happen. Some thought the yeast would turn into flour or make the gloves fly! But they were amazed by what happened. As time passed, the yeast made a gas called carbon dioxide. This gas filled the gloves, making them blow up like balloons. Cup 4 had the most respiration because it contained sugar. As the yeast consumes the sugar, it releases carbon dioxide gas. With nowhere else to go but upwards, this gas gradually inflates the glove. The whole experiment wowed the kids! It was fun celebrating science during British Science Week, with a theme of time.
Year 2 - English
This week in English we are continuing to work with our new book ‘Journey’. Today we used our previous learning of how to use speech and new learning of subordinating conjunctions. The children created conversions the characters in the book could have. Within their speech, the children were challenged to include subordinating conjunctions. The speech the children wrote was brilliant!
Year 5 - Religious Art
Today, Year 5 created their religious art piece ready for a selection of them displayed in the Rose Garden in Whitehall park for Easter. The children were focusing on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. They created their colourful backgrounds and then used black card to create a silhouette depicting Jesus on the cross.
Reception: Easter Artwork
Today, during our Muddy Monday session, we collected lots of green natural objects to create palm leaves for our Easter art work. The children worked together as a team to create their art work. You will be able to view our artwork soon in the Rose Garden at Whitehall park.
Mad Science After- School Club-Watts-Up!
The future Scientists had a blast this afternoon: They learned about static electricity, exploring its properties and involvement in natural phenomena. They also created indoor lightning and conducted hair-raising experiments with an electrostatic generator.
Year 2 - Art
In Art this week, we created more rubbings from interesting textures we could find around the classroom. These rubbings were cut or torn to create a collage. This process of using rubbings to form the basis of a piece of artwork is called frottage. The end results were amazing!
Biggest Ever Girls Football Session
Today, our KS2 girls all took part in the biggest ever girls football session in celebration of International Women’s Day. Our girls all played a football tournament to encourage more girls to play and take up football. The girls participated in a tournament style session building on teamwork and spirit within the game and then finished off with a penalty shootout at the end. All the girls had an amazing time and showed lots of talent and potential. Well done girls!
WOW Initiative Assembly Launch
Today we had our WOW assembly in which we learned all about our new walk to school challenge and how we need to try to walk to school (or find an active way) at least once a week. We met Dan who is from Living Streets. He told us how we can earn badges every month by taking part. It’s so important to walk to improve our mental wellbeing, get fit and decrease pollution. We look forward to practising with the Travel Tracker next week with our newly appointed WOW Ambassadors.
Mrs Ham's Weekly Message
Dear parents and carers, wow, what another busy week of 'achieving great things' and 'living life in all its fullness'! The highlights have been: *Choir Let's Go Sing concert at King George's Hall *Reception class firefighter visit and Mother's Day Worship *Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Big Lent Walks *Year 5 and 6 football festival *An author visit- RK Alker *FOSB Mother's Day Breakfast- Thank you FOSB! *Year 3 visited by a baker and made apple crumble * World book day- the word costumes were amazing! *International Women's Day girls football tournament *Whitehall Park house team winners non-uniform day and disco *WOW walk to school launch Next week we have a slightly quieter week but are looking forward to: Monday: Launch of the Big Plastic Count Wednesday: Rhyme and story time for Reception class and younger children Thursday: Cross Country competition for our cross country team Friday: Dress in red for Red Nose Day, Comic Relief Darwen Swimming gala for our swimming squad. Thank you so much for your donations and support towards our Big Lent Walk. We have now walked 1088km. Please keep sending in your walks and sponsorship money can be donated here: For all the latest photos in our gallery, please click here: For all of the latest news from each class, please click here: or see our facebook page. I've attached a photo of the upcoming church Easter services and your child should come home with an invitation today. We are looking forward to our choir singing on Palm Sunday 24th March and everyone is welcome to come and support. Happy International Women's day to all of our wonderful Mums, Grandmas, female staff and young ladies in our school family. We hope that all of our Mums and Grandmas have a wonderful relaxing day on Mothering Sunday. Rev Ben is leading a special church service at 11.00am on Sunday and everyone is welcome. Wishing you all a fabulous weekend and thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Ham