Image of Year 3 Music
5 Jul

Year 3 Music

During music Year 3 were using both hands to play a tune, holding C with their left hands and playing the tune with the right. Everyone had a really good try and the tunes sounded brilliant. Well done Year 3!

Image of Year 3 Computing
5 Jul

Year 3 Computing

During computing Year 3 were talking about GPS, considering the positives and negatives to using GPS. They then went on to use GPS to track down people who had stolen some money from a bank.

Image of Year 4 - Science with Mr Prescott
5 Jul

Year 4 - Science with Mr Prescott

Our super scientists have been investigating melting points with Mr Prescott this week. They heated margarine, coconut oil, and dark, white and gluten-free chocolate over a tea light candle and measured the temperature to see which had the highest melting point.

Image of Reception Junior Jam
5 Jul

Reception Junior Jam

Today in junior jam the children had a music lesson, focusing on the role of a conductor. The children were able to name lots of different instruments in an orchestra. We watched a video of a conductor and discussed what they do. We then played a music game called Popcorn where the children copied the actions and followed the music by tapping, stamping, patting and snapping. In our French lesson, the children remembered how to say hello and they knew their numbers up to 10 in french with the help of a song. We then played a game of hide and seek with the numbers to see if we could remember them. The children also played a counting game where they were able to count the pictures of sweets and chocolate in french. They then learned head, shoulders, knees and toes. In our Computing session, the children learned the difference between a photograph and a video. They then went onto the iPads and went on the sketch app to create their own animals. The children showed the Christian value of respect to our junior jam teachers.

Image of Year 2 - Creating Animations
5 Jul

Year 2 - Creating Animations

Year 2 have been looking and creating a variety of animations that solve particular problems. They worked creatively to solve issues and using their ICT skills they created exceptional animations.

Image of Year 3 French
5 Jul

Year 3 French

Year 3 have been building their knowledge regarding ‘fun facts’ about France, they were able to correctly recall facts and also match up facts to images/ landmarks. Well done Year 3!

Image of St Barnabas represent the district in The Lancashire School Games 2023
4 Jul

St Barnabas represent the district in The Lancashire School Games 2023

What an honour it has been for our children to go through and represent the district at The Lancashire Schools Games at Stanley Park , Blackpool. After winning the BwD Finals they got the chance to attend the games in Bee Stinger Netball against all of the other districts across Lancashire. We drew one game and won three making it to the quarter finals, which unfortunately didn’t go our way. The children represented both school and district perfectly showing true sportsmanship, determination and encouragement. For such a small school you have achieved great things and all done so with a huge smile on your faces! Go Team B and Go Team BwD!

Image of Year 5- Science- Identifying changes that take place during puberty
4 Jul

Year 5- Science- Identifying changes that take place during puberty

In science this afternoon, the children were learning about some of the changes they may experience during puberty. We recapped the unit's learning so far to summarise the changes they have experienced since birth. The children then worked in pairs and labelled the body parts that change during puberty. We then discussed some of the important ways that the children can look after their bodies during puberty, such as washing more frequently, eating a healthy and balanced diet and ensuring they get enough sleep.

Image of Year 2 - Bar Charts
4 Jul

Year 2 - Bar Charts

During our statistics unit, Year 2 have been focusing on a variety of ways to display and represent findings. We have looked at tally charts, pictograms and now we have been focusing on bar charts. The children worked really hard to display their findings in a presentable way.

Image of Year 1 DT Exploring Stability
3 Jul

Year 1 DT Exploring Stability

Year 1 used playdough, card and rulers to measure the stability of different 3D shapes in partners during their DT lesson today. They looked at spheres, cubes, pyramids and cuboids and tried to measure the height at which these objects would roll down a piece of card. We compared the results in class and they were then set a challenge to create a small standing structure using the playdough and the knowledge of the 3D shapes they had investigated.

Image of Year 1 Science Investigating Smells
3 Jul

Year 1 Science Investigating Smells

Year 1 have been learning about the different human senses in science and this week we were focussing on smell and describing what different items smelt like. The children really enjoyed investigating what nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, lemon, coffee and some other different dried herbs smelt like. They recorded the information from our investigation in a table using adjectives to describe the different smells.

Image of Year 2 - Stained Glass Windows
3 Jul

Year 2 - Stained Glass Windows

In R.E Year 2 have been exploring what makes a church a church. The children have been understanding the various aspects of the church and understanding their place within the church. The children have focused on stained glass windows and how they tell Jesus’ stories and teaching. The children then had a go at creating their own stained glass windows using lots of colours and materials.