Year 3 began their new P.E. unit on tag and target games today by learning the fundamental skill of dodging. To practice, they played a fun game called Ice Monster Tag. In this game, a few children were designated as Ice Monsters, holding softballs, while others became 'Fire Gods' with red air balls. The rest of the children had to dodge and avoid being tagged by the Ice Monsters.
When tagged, players stood still with their hands ready to catch a ball, waiting for a Fire God to unfreeze them. To make things more interesting, the next round introduced safe areas, marked with mats, where players could avoid being tagged. The class then worked together to decide on fair rules for the safe areas, such as how long a player could stay there, what to do if someone else wanted the space, and how many safe places to include.
It was a fantastic start to the unit, great teamwork from Year 3.