This week, Year 3 began their new writing unit based on the book titled "My Name is Not Refugee." At first, the children predicted that the story might be about a child starting school, going swimming, or on a family holiday. However, after learning the title, they felt sad for the little boy and his mum.
In today's lesson, the children were asked to think of five items they would take if they had to leave their home and never come back. They suggested items like jumpers, snacks, teddies, books, games, sleeping bags, toothpaste, and torches. Narrowing it down to just five items was extremely difficult for them. They realised that a mobile phone would lose its battery and become useless, a sleeping bag might be helpful if they couldn't find a place to sleep, but they were still concerned about staying warm and finding food. The children then wrote responses to questions based on the story.