Dear Parents and Carers, just a quick reminder that we have an upcoming parent governor vacancy. The governors play a vital role in supporting and shaping our school and it is a great way to become more involved in the life of our school. Parent governors hold the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. Through their children, they have a first hand experience of the delivery of the curriculum and how the school is perceived from the 'consumers' point of view.

If you are interested in joining our local governing committee then please see the attached letter from our Chair of Governors, Jen Frankish.
For further information please see our school website:
For an application form please contact our school office at or 01254 702996.
The deadline for applications is this Friday 28th January 2022.
We look forward to welcoming a new parent to our friendly and supportive local governing committee, to help make St Barnabas the best school it can be.
Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham