Reception Super Phonics
Reception have been wowing us with their super phonics. They are recognising lots more sounds and can use these to write simple words independently. They have also been practising tricky words in the writing area.
Year 1 Phonics
Year 1 are making great use of our phonics area. They are always busy applying their knowledge of the new phonemes that they are learning to read words accurately. Well done Year 1!
Reception: Challenge Champions
This week in Reception, we are focusing on the story, Sharing a Shell. The children have been really busy in provision completing challenges. They have been attempting to write sentences, strengthening their muscles in the fine motor area, creating rockpools, drawing fish, painting using the skills of Pointillism, counting shells to play a subitise game and moulding the playdough to create different characters from the story. Well done!
Year 1- Phonics
Since Year 1 really enjoyed their matching activity last week in phonics, they were set the challenge of doing this again this but with different sounds. This week, they had to independently read words with the ‘ie’ for tie, ‘i-e’ for bike and ‘y’ for fly such as slide, lie, pine, shine, pie and cry. Some of us also did the ‘ar’ for star and the ‘igh’ for night. Well done Year 1- we are seeing lots of progress in your reading.
Year 1 Phonics
In Year 1 this afternoon, we learnt the ‘i’ for child. We read lots of words with the ‘i’ for child in them such as behind, mind, kind, rind, find, wild and mild and matched them up to to the picture that showed the word. Some of us also did the ‘ear’ for hear and the ‘oi’ for coin. This reading activity worked perfectly on ‘No Pens Day’.
Reception: Phonics
Today, our Reception children listened to sounds they could hear both inside and outside. The children heard a helicopter, a siren, a machine, the trees swaying, the wind and the heater. The children then tried to make the sounds they could hear with their voices.
Year 1 Phonics- Phonics Bingo
Today in Year 1, the children took part in some phonics activities. First of all, they looked for sounds that Miss Flynn read out to them such as b for bag, i for insect and qu for queen. This was a great way of getting some practise in using our sound mats after the six week holidays and reminding ourselves of the pictures and actions that go with each sound. Year 1 then enjoyed a couple of games of phonics bingo. They had 6 sounds and had to listen carefully to see if they had it. It was a great way of revising the sounds that the children had learnt when they were in Reception.
Super Phonics in Year 1
Year 1 are working extremely hard with their phonics. They are learning lots of new alternative graphemes for sounds that they already know so that they can read and spell words with these more difficult spelling patterns. This week, they have explored ‘wr’ and ‘w(a)’ and revised some of their split digraphs.
Reception World Book Day
Reception have loved taking part in lots of World Book Day activities. They enjoyed playing a quiz in Miss Flynn’s special assembly, winning lots of prizes. They have also been drawing book covers of their favourite stories, can you guess some of them?
Year 1 Phonics
Year 1 are working hard in their phonics lessons. This week, they have been focusing on the graphemes 'oy' and 'ou.' They read several words containing these two graphemes, wrote several words and dictated sentences with these two graphemes and recognised whereabouts in a word we usually see them so that they can make more informed choices in their spelling of words with these sounds in them. Well done Year One!
Reception: Phonics
Today, our Ducklings learnt the ‘s’ sound in phonics. We looked at objects that have ‘s’ in them such as snake, nest, soup and spider. We then practised writing the grapheme in different ways.
Year 1 Phonics
Year 1 are working incredibly hard in their daily phonics lessons. They are recapping several phase 3 sounds before we move on to phase 4&5 and we are starting to see some great progress in their reading and writing, Well done Year 1.
Year 1 English and Phonics: The Prefix ‘re’
Year 1 have been learning about the prefix ‘re’ through our Bug Club Phonics resources today and have written different words using this prefix. They understand that ‘re’ means to do again and have enjoyed spelling different words on the smart board today.
Reception- Superstar writers!
Reception have been learning about African Animals and amazing facts about them. This afternoon we drew our favourite African animal and wrote amazing facts about them!
Year 1 Phonics Revision
This week, Year 1 have been working really hard to revise their sounds during phonics lessons through a selection of activities including alien and real word games. We have looked at different graphemes that make the same sound and how to read and write these words too. They have completed their Year 1 phonics quizzes and we are very proud of them and how well they have done.
Year 1 Bug Club Phonics
Year 1 have been using chrome books to log onto Bug Club Phonics and complete different activities linked to the sounds and tricky words they have been learning in class.
Year 1- Sound of the day!
Today’s sound of the day ‘z’. We sounded out lots of words with the ‘z’ sound. Super sounding out year 1!
Year 1 Phonics Different Ways of Making the ‘ea’ Sound
Last week in phonics we looked at the different ways to make the phase 5 ‘ea’ sound and practised reading and writing words with these different graphemes. We also played some Bug Club games to see if we could read words with different amounts of syllables in them using the various different ways to make the ‘ea’ sound and looked back at the ‘ee’ sound they learnt in Reception last year.
Year 1- Phonics
A bunch of superstars practicing our ‘v’ sound this morning.
Year 1- Writing using our phonics
Continuing with the story ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’ we had a go at writing sentences independently. We all had a sound mat and used our phonics to sound out our sentences. I was very impressed Year 1!
Year 1- Phonics
Year 1 have been working so hard in phonics this week! We are very proud of them!
Reception - Fantastic Phonics
Reception are doing so well learning new graphemes each week and remembering them. Today they learnt the grapheme ‘h’ and thought of lots of words that begin with this sound. Then they practised writing the letter in their phonics books, well done!
Year 1-Super phonics
Year 1 have been working really hard in phonics. Today’s new sound was “oa”. I'm so proud of all of your sounding out and blending year 1!
Year 2 Spelling
This week in spelling, the children are focusing on words with the ee sound spelt ey. First, we watched a video, introducing our spelling rule for the week. We then looked at some words with this rule, like donkey, money and key. Finally, we completed the ‘Spelling Zone’ and ‘Dots and Dashes’ activity in our spelling books! We will carry on learning about this rule, ready for our spelling quiz on Friday!
Year 1 Phonics- real and nonsense words
Year 1 have been practising reading real and nonsense words in some extra phonics sessions.
Year 1 Phonics
In the phonics area, some of the children have been independently practising the reading of words with the ai, ay, a-e and ey graphemes as this is what they’ve been learning in their phonics sessions.
Year 1 Phonics- learning new graphemes.
Year 1 are working very hard on their phonics. They are learning new graphemes for sounds that they already know. They now know lots of ways of writing the ai, ee and igh sounds. We will now be working on applying these new graphemes in our writing. Well done Year 1.
Reception: Phonics
Reception have been practising reading and writing words. We have been blown away by how well they are all doing.
Year 1 Phonics
Our Year 1 children have been working so hard in their phonics sessions and have been impressing us with their segmenting and blending.