Mrs Ham's Weekly Highlights
Good afternoon parents and carers, we hope that you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend. We have had another short but busy week of living life in all its fullness at St Barnabas. The highlights have been: *Reception class farm animal visitors from Nightingales Farm * Year 1's mock Baptism and party at our church with Rev Ben * Two more brilliant wins for our netball team * Our WOW group leading our KS2 class worships * Continuing learning how to play the keyboard in Junior Jam * A glorious golden time outside in the sun this afternoon Coming up next week: *Our Year 6 children are very much looking forward to their free breakfasts as we have the KS2 SATs. We know that they will try their very best and make us all proud. We also know that our children have been blessed with skills and qualities that SATs don't test. *Our Year 5 class are very excited as they are going on their three day PGL residential to Winmarleigh with Mr Bloomfield, Miss Kachwalla and Rev Ben. We are sure that they will make some amazing memories. *Years 1 and 3 have road safety officer workshops. *Year 2 have a visit from the fire service. *The Year 3/4 mini tennis competition. * Years 4, 5 and 6 have a PSHE RSE session from Coram Life Education *Our netball team have more matches. As the weather is warming up, please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school each day and that they put on all day sunscreen before coming to school. Sunhats would be brilliant too for playtimes and lunchtimes. Thank you for your continued support to our school family. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend in the sunshine with your loved ones, Mrs Ham
Glorious Golden Time
This afternoon our children have enjoyed a glorious golden time outside. We are so lucky to have such large grounds to explore and play in. We have had some children playing sports on the MUGA, some on the outdoor gym and trim trails, some building and playing in the sand, some getting creative and some playing Jag Tag. The children work their socks off in class each week, follow our Four B's and complete their reading and homework to earn their golden time each Friday. What a fantastic afternoon!
Friday Celebration Worship
Today, we started our celebration worship by signing the trinity and talking about how we have lived life in all its fullness this week. We kickstarted the week on Tuesday with Rev Ben and his worship about the ascension and we’ve enjoyed a variety of lunch time and after school clubs such as Cricket, Little Voices, Mad Science, Choir, Netball and Story and Craft. We also congratulated our wonderful Year 5/6 netball team for performing amazingly on Wednesday night in the DPSSA Netball League and winning both of their matches. As it stands, they are unbeaten and look forward to competing against St Peter’s next week. We then presented Millie, Molly, Cassidy, Nevaeh, Seb, Daisy and Lucy as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for always their amazing attitude to learning and consistently demonstrating the 4Bs and our Christian Values. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park as the overall value award winners this week with 143 points. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to sisters Lydia and Naomi for getting Olivia at Rainbows for being superstars, Callie for being awarded Bruno Bear at Stagecoach for being a super brave performer, Cici for being this week’s Little Voices after school club superstar, Archie for achieving a certificate for the level of bravery that he showed whilst getting his bloods taken at the hospital, Lyla for achieving highly commended in her Musical Theatre exam, Bluebelle for achieving a fabulous 25m in her swimming, Evie for being awarded with a trophy for her wonderful gymnastics, Olivia for achieving her Stage 5 at swimming, Bindi and Elsie for swimming an amazing 50m, Jenson for being able to swim a phenomenal 800m and his Bronze swimming award, Nevaeh for achieving level 4 in her gymnastics, Tristen for gaining his orange belt in kickboxing and we congratulated Lucy for winning the East Lancs Final whilst playing for her football team Lammack. To end our worship, we had some beautiful prayers from Darcy, Oscar and Harry who prayed for people who are less fortunate and those in countries that are currently faced with war and uncertainty. We then sang, ‘Sing a New Song to the Lord.’ We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely (and hopefully sunny) weekend!
Reception visit from Nightingale Farm
Reception were very lucky to have a visit from Steph at Nightingale farm. They met Olly the lamb who was only 7 weeks old and learned about his wool and other sheep at the farm. They also looked at some runner ducks who were just 2 weeks old! The children were so excited to see the ducklings running around with their long necks and were so gentle when they stroked them. They learned that these ducks can’t fly and can only swim once they have grown their feathers. The children asked lots of questions about animals on the farm.
Year 6 Class Worship
Yesterday, our class worship was led by our WOW group members Luca and Archie, who did a superb job. The focus was all about how the past can help us learn about modern life. From the past, we can learn from mistakes, the consequences of actions and how they have impacted the world, and be inspired by positive outcomes.
Year 1 RE- Mock Baptism with Rev. Ben
On Tuesday afternoon, Year 1 wore their celebration clothes and went to St Barnabas Church. We learnt all about Baptism and welcoming babies, teenagers and adults into Christianity. Year 1 named their baby Snowflake and Rev. Ben showed them what it would be like if Snowflake was baptised. We learnt that baptism is like a badge that people wear to show they belong to the church. We also learnt about why water is used as part of a baptism and we witnessed Rev.Ben pour water over baby Snowflake’s head which came from the font. Snowflake received a baptism candle and a Bible. We then came back to school for a baptism party. The children enjoyed a dance, a cup of juice and a biscuit. Thank you Rev.Ben for creating a memorable experience for our children.
Year 1 Science- Naming the Parts of a Plant
This afternoon in Year 1, the children learnt the names of the different parts of a plant and in what order the parts are formed from the plant starting out as a seed to flowering. The children then used this knowledge to create their own video illustrating this using a programme called 2animate on PurpleMash. The videos clearly showed us the seed starting out, becoming a seedling as it developed its roots and shoot and then developing its first leaves and flowering some children even added a bee to show pollination. Great effort Year 1.
Year 6 SATs
Good afternoon Year 6 parents and carers, the week of Year 6 SATs is nearly here. We will be keeping the week as relaxed as possible and I will be sharing the attached poems with the children in worship tomorrow morning & will be explaining that we are so proud of them already and just want them to try their best, as we already know they are superstars. The children are to arrive at school for 8.45am and they will have breakfast together. Monday and Wednesday will be a hot breakfast of bacon and/or sausage baps. Tuesday and Thursday are a continental breakfast with a choice of pastries such as pain au chocolates and croissants plus yoghurt and fruit. Toast will also be available. Please feel free to give them their usual breakfast before they arrive though if they are used to having their breakfast earlier or have large appetites. We will be carrying out the assessments in the Year 5 and 6 classrooms whilst Year 5 are on their residential trip. Myself, Mr Prescott, Mrs Pendlebury and Mrs Hegarty will be supervising the children during their assessments. For further SATS information, please click here: It is really important that they are in school and on time each day as the tests have to be carried out on certain days and times. Please see the attached timetable. Please ensure that your child gets lots of rest and food this weekend and next week and try to reassure them that SATsare only a small part of their primary school experience and to not put too much pressure on themselves. We are so proud of how they have grown in confidence and flourished throughout their time at St Barnabas and we know they will continue to shine and achieve great things when they start at high school. Thank you for your continued support. I wish the children all the luck in the world in their SATs, although we know that they have been blessed with so many amazing and wonderful skills that SATs don’t test and are kind, polite and fantastic little superstars, Mrs Ham
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Story and Craft Club
Yesterday lunch time, the school librarians led a story and craft club for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The children listened to ‘No-BOT The Robot With No Bottom’ and then did some robot crafts. The children came up with some wonderful names for their robots such as Rainbow, Simon, Love-Bot and Pow-Bot.
Year 5 - Class Worship
This week, Year 5 were treated to a child led class worship by the WOW group that discussed, can the past help us learn about modern life? The children discussed at length about how we can learn from the past and how it can inform our future. Comparing this to everyday lives, understanding that we all make mistakes but learning from them can make us a better all round person.
Food Technology - Biscuit designing in Year 4
In our DT Food Technology session we have been designing our very own biscuits for a targeted audience. First we looked at what a budget was and how much our basic ingredients would cost. Next we looked at what remaining budget we had from £2.00 per group and then we could decide on what extra ingredients we could add. The children worked really hard to manage their budgets and agree on what would work for their target audiences. We can’t wait to make our new special biscuits and add our own logos to the package design in our next lesson.
Year 4 - French: Ou Puis-Je Acheter…?
Year 4 French this week was a progression on the children’s learning of shop names. They learned the French names for some common items we buy and how to say where to buy them from. C’était formidable!