Image of Year 4 - Prayers for Her Majesty
15 Sep

Year 4 - Prayers for Her Majesty

Today in Year 4, we tied our prayers that we had written to remember the Queen to the front of school to create a remembrance wall. We thanked God for everything she has done for us and how very special she was.

Image of Year 4 Geography - The Amazon
15 Sep

Year 4 Geography - The Amazon

We have started our new geography topic today in Year 4. We will focus on the Amazon, looking at the Amazon Basin and surrounding rainforest. In today’s lesson we identified South America using atlases and globes. We then moved into identifying the countries within South America and where the Amazon river runs.

Image of Primary and secondary school admissions
14 Sep

Primary and secondary school admissions

The primary and secondary school applications for September 2023 are now open. Please see the following websites for information of how to apply.

Image of Reception Library Trip
14 Sep

Reception Library Trip

Today Reception have had a visit to our school library. We talked about the library rules, including how it is important to be quiet and calm and to treat our books with care and look after them. In groups, we read a story together and they were amazing and listening and engaging.

Image of Reception: Phase 1 Phonics
13 Sep

Reception: Phase 1 Phonics

Today, Reception went on a listening walk. They listened and identified different sounds that they could hear. They then tried to make the sounds that they had heard. Albie heard children playing, Eli heard the wind, Fletcher heard a football bouncing, Roman heard Year 2 children playing and Charlie heard the birds tweeting. Super listening!

Image of Year 2 - Investigating local animal habitats.
13 Sep

Year 2 - Investigating local animal habitats.

Year 2 investigating local habitats. We have started our science unit on animals and their habitats. We explored and found many local insects and animals and discussed where they lived.

Image of Year 2 - balancing and hopping
13 Sep

Year 2 - balancing and hopping

Year 2 practising their hopping, balancing and team building skills through rock, paper scissors.

Image of Reception: Exploring outdoors
13 Sep

Reception: Exploring outdoors

Reception have really enjoyed exploring their outdoor area. They have built houses using ‘cement’ in the sand, created potions in the water area, been busy roleplaying in the shop, painting, made mud pies, travelled around Darwen on the bikes and scooters and also enjoyed balancing on the equipment. They have been busy bees!

Image of Changes of Materials- Year 5- Science
13 Sep

Changes of Materials- Year 5- Science

Year 5 has been working scientifically in small groups. They were given two bottles filled with water. One solution is pure water for drinking and the other is salty water. The labels from the bottles have been washed off and they need to work out which one is suitable for drinking (but they cannot taste it). They seem pretty confident with their choices and have labelled the bottles accordingly. We will investigate over the coming days and see if their predictions are correct.

Image of Year 4 - Counting in 1000s
13 Sep

Year 4 - Counting in 1000s

On Tuesday in Year 4, we practised counting in thousands while having fun playing a ‘roll the dice’ game. I must say, we were rather good at it too. Congratulations to our top points scorers

Image of Our school family tree
12 Sep

Our school family tree

Our whole school family created their own unique circle for our family tree. It represents our vision of everyone 'Achieving great things through learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family'. We love that all of the circles are special and unique, just like our children that God created.

Image of Year 2 - Place Value
12 Sep

Year 2 - Place Value

Year 2 exploring place value and building numbers using base 10.