Year 5- D.T- How does a vacuum cleaner work?
The children in the class had a really interesting time trying out the Dyson V12 Detect Slim Animal™ vacuum cleaner. Before trying out the vacuum cleaner we watched a video that explained its design and specifications. It was really interesting to see how the vacuum was made and learn about its special features. It was fascinating to see that many of them had never used a vacuum cleaner before. The children took turns doing different things with the vacuum, like cleaning up different kinds of debris, going around obstacles, changing the height, and using it on different surfaces.
Mrs Ham's Highlights
Good afternoon parents and carers, well what another busy week at St Barnabas! Highlights of the week: * Our netball team represented BWD at the Lancashire school games in Blackpool on Tuesday and reached the quarter finals. *We met Rev Matt, who will be working with Rev Ben at St Barnabas and St Paul's. *We had a special worship led by Archdeacon David. *Year 4 visited their linking school, St Matthew's in Blackburn. * We welcomed our new Reception children into our school family. * We had a wonderful transition day and everyone got to meet their new teaching team. * Year 5 had a bikeability day. *We had fabulous head and deputy head speeches in Year 5 along with sports leader speeches. We will soon reveal who our new heads and deputies are along with our sports leaders. * We had a brilliant celebration worship where India Mill (red team) won the values points award for this half term. They can have a non-uniform day next Friday. For all of this week's news, please click here: For the upcoming events, please click here: Thank you so much for your generous donations of toys and chocolate today. We are looking forward to our FOSB Summer Fair next Wednesday from 3.30-5.30pm and we would love to see you there. End of year reports will be sent out in the final week of term via class dojo. End of year awards will be presented to children in Reception-Year 5 next Friday morning at 9.05am. If your child is being given an award, you will have been notified via class dojo. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and I hope that the sun continues to shine, Mrs Ham
Friday Celebration Worship
This morning in celebration worship, Mrs Ham started by praising all of our children for their courage and positivity during our whole school transition day yesterday. All of the teachers were super impressed with the creativity, attitude to learning, behaviour and manners that all of the children showed in their new year groups. We then said well done to our Reception and KS1 value award winners who were Connie, Bobby-Ray, Jack and Eliza and our KS2 value award winners who were Edward, Alice, Oscar and Freya. We said a huge well done to our High 5 netball team who represented BwD at the Lancashire School Games at Stanley Park on Tuesday and got through to the quarter final. We also celebrated lots of out of schools sports award winners. Well done to Ruby and Archie for entering and competing the Iron Kids Competition, Daisy for being a fantastic gymnast, Lyla and Sofia for their ‘Going Places’ dancing trophy and Sofia for being outstanding at Musical Theatre, Eliza for demonstrating wonderful football skills, Isaac for his ‘potential and success in the arts’ trophy, Peyton and Cassidy for being superstars at rainbows, Summer for achieving stage 6 at swimming and level 2 at gymnastics and Grace for wonderful improvement in her ballet, a gold award in jazz and being the overall classical dancer of the year. We congratulated Reception and Year 6 for being the attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park for being the Value Award House Point Winners this week. Lastly, we heard some beautiful prayers from Hamza, Sofia and Jack and sang Sing a New Song to the Lord. Thank you to the those who could join us for celebration worship this week and we wish you all an enjoyable weekend.
Year 1- Golden time
We’ve had a brilliant time in golden time this afternoon. We played with water, chalk and paint to create some beautiful mark making in our outdoor area. We played with cars, bricks and action figures. We’ve all had a lovely afternoon! ☀️
Year 2-3 Transition Day- Creating Personality Swirls
They had a fantastic time creating personality swirls! It was a wonderful opportunity for them to express themselves and showcase their unique qualities. During this activity, the children wrote down words that described themselves, such as their hobbies and interests. Some of the words they shared were reading, walking, listening to music, playing games, and enjoying delicious food. It was wonderful to see them express their individuality through these words. Additionally, the children had the chance to colour their swirls using their favourite colours.
Year 2-3 Transition Day
Soon-to-be Year 3 has been amazing. The children made their own personality swirls by showing their unique qualities and the things they like. It was a fun way for them to express themselves and be creative. They also made bookmarks for themselves, which they can use when in September. They felt very grown up when they sat on the big chairs ready for the next stage of their education. They also had a chance to explore the KS2 yard, which they absolutely loved. Lastly, the children talked about what they are excited about for September. They can't wait to learn new things and have new experiences at school. They are really looking forward to it!
Year 6 geography
In year 6, we have been looking in more detail at the north west region and if it appeals to our needs. The children started out by thinking of 6 things that they believe are needed to live a happy and healthy life. They then researched if these needs were being met in the north west and then we looked more specifically at Darwen and whether, as a town, it meets the needs of its people.
Transition day
Year 5 thought about what they want to achieve in the next year as they move into Year 6. It was so good to see some really mature responses and it was clear that the children want to be a success.
Year 5-6 Transition day
Year 5, soon to be Year 6, were an absolute delight to welcome into the year 6 classroom and they produced absolutely outstanding portraits displaying the red jumpers and hoodies that they will gain as a Year 6.
Our Year 3 to Year 4 Transition Day
What a fantastic day we have had getting ready to move into our new Year 4 class. The children have worked their socks off creating marvellous masterpieces ready for display including dream jars, class rules and jigsaw pieces . We also managed to squeeze in making our very own bookmarks, and creating guitars for our Times Tables Rockstars leader boards. Finally we looked at where we will visit for our Year 4 residential and then we voted for our new Well-being Warriors. A jam packed day and we can’t wait to see you all back in class in September for our new journey!
Reception to Year 1 Transition Day Part 2
The reception children did some writing with Miss Flynn during their transition day in Year 1. It was amazing to see all of the children using their sound mats to help them to write their favourite colour and the name of their favourite subject in school. Miss Flynn was pleased to hear that so many of them loved writing!
Reception to Year 1 Transition Day
Our reception children enjoyed a day in Year 1 today. They loved exploring their new classroom and getting creative with some of the resources that were available to them such as the construction straws, magnets, blocks, bricks, lego, shape stencils and felt tips. They amazed us with their speaking and listening, writing and their level of creativity. Well done Reception!