This afternoon, Year 3 had a full afternoon of science, celebrating British Science Week in style and truly living life in all its fullness! They took part in exciting hands-on experiments, exploring chemical reactions, gases, and surface tension.
The highlight of the session was the Exploding Lunch Bag experiment! The children were amazed as they watched a sealed bag suddenly pop. By combining baking soda and vinegar, they observed how a chemical reaction produced gas, causing the bag to expand until it burst. They made predictions, discussed their observations, and thought scientifically about why the reaction occurred.
Next, they investigated the fascinating science of surface tension by creating bubbles on the table and even bubbles inside bubbles. Using soapy water and straws, the young scientists discovered how a thin layer of soap traps air, forming bubbles that stretch and hold their shape. To conclude their exciting afternoon of science, Year 3 explored diffusion with the Skittles Experiment. Throughout the session, our Science Ambassadors Noah, Mathew, and Cassidy were fantastic role models, demonstrating techniques and encouraging their peers to think like real scientists.