Today in Science, Year one learnt about floating and sinking. They learnt that when something is floating, it can be described as buoyant and when something has gone beneath the surface of the water, it can be described as being submerged. Year 1 learnt that generally speaking lighter objects will float and heavier objects will sink. However, they also learnt for an item to float, it must contain trapped air. This was illustrated through the example of a submarine. When the submarine was filled with air, it floated on the water but when this air was replaced with water, the submarine sunk. We saw some examples of this in our own classroom too. When a glass bottle was empty and filled with air, it floated but when this air was replaced with water it sunk. Likewise, we experimented with some cotton wool which presented the same results. Year 1 also predicted and tested many other objects to see whether they would sink or float such as a feather, rock, paper clip, lolly stick and a metal spoon.