It is with great sadness that I let you know that Mr Tierney has secured a promotional post as a Deputy Estates and Facilities Manager post at Blackburn College. This is a wonderful opportunity for him but we will all miss him greatly. On behalf of our whole school family I would like to thank him for his hard work and dedication to our school family and across our Trust. I wish him all the luck in the world in his new position which he will start on Monday 9th October.
This means that we are recruiting a new site supervisor to work at St Barnabas. If you or anybody that you know would be interested in being our new site supervisor and would love to work with such a fabulous, committed team of staff, the most wonderful children and super supportive parents, please have a look at our vacancy page for further information. https://www.eteach.com/careers/stbarnabasdarwen/job/site-supervisor-1366902/?lang=en-GB