A huge thank you to everyone who came to our Summer Fair this evening. The rain certainly didn’t stop us having fun, even though it was a squash and a squeeze in the hall and year 1 classroom. 
Thanks for all of your kind donations over the last couple of non-uniform days. Your generosity and support tonight has led to raising an amazing £979.97. This will be going to our mini bus fund and will also be used to purchase special leavers gifts for our Year 6 classes each year. 
Congratulations to Grace in Year 6 for winning the raffle hamper and Alfie S in Year 1 for winning the guess the lego game.
A massive thank you to our FOSB for all of their planning and support and to our staff team for their help and for being good sports. I think Mr Prescott and Mr Bloomfield will still be drying off now!