Good afternoon parents and carers, I hope that you've all had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine. This afternoon we received our official Ofsted report from our inspection back in March and I'm so pleased to say that St Barnabas remains a GOOD school. We are really happy with the outcome of the inspection and feel that the report reflects our school family well and celebrates the areas that we have been working on for many years.

We are particularly proud of the following comments as we feel they encapsulate our St Barnabas school family perfectly:

'Pupils, and children in the early years, arrive at school happy and ready to learn. They look forward to the warm welcome that they receive every morning. '

'Leaders ensure that pupils have a wealth of opportunities to develop personally as well as academically.'

'Leaders provide a range of ways for pupils to develop their interests and talents.'

'Pupils enjoy the broad range of sports clubs available and are proud of how well they represent their school in competitions.'

'Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding. '

'Pupils feel safe in school and they know that adults in school will support them to look after their mental health and well-being.'

'Leaders have high expectations for pupils, and pupils do their utmost to live up to these. Pupils work hard during lessons and behave well at social times. Pupils recognise the importance of trying their best and how this approach will serve them well in later life.'

'Pupils understand what bullying is and know that they can talk to a trusted adult if they have any concerns. Leaders act swiftly and effectively when incidents of bullying are reported. The systems that leaders have in place ensure that pupils feel well supported
and that friendships are rebuilt.'

'Leaders have made sure that reading is a priority in school to support all pupils to successfully learn the full curriculum. Pupils enjoy listening to their teachers reading to them. They explained that books help them to fill up their ‘happy tanks’.'

'Pupils behave well during lessons and they learn without disruption. They are polite and respectful to one another and adults. Leaders have encouraged pupils to be inquisitive, and pupils communicate with adults well.'

To read the full report, please click here: Ofsted Report 2023

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during our inspection through either speaking to the inspector or filling in the parent survey. It appears that some of you were so keen to share your views that you filled it in more than once. It is brilliant to hear such great things being said about our school and we thank you for promoting our school through word of mouth to your friends. Our Reception class for this coming September is full again of first choice places, with many parents commenting that they have seen and heard great things about our school and we have waiting lists for several of our classes. I really am proud to lead such a wonderful 'GOOD' school with fantastic, hardworking staff, amazing children and super supportive parents and governors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support as we couldn't do what we do, without your support, Mrs Ham