Good evening parents and carers, it’s been a short but very tiring week, especially for our Year 5 and 6 children.
We are so proud of our Year 6 children for the confidence and resilience they have shown this week when tackling their SATS. They have been amazing and having their breakfast together each morning really helped them to relax. We will find out the results on the 12th July but whatever the outcome, we know that they have all tried their best and have done themselves proud.
Year 5 had a fantastic time at their residential. Thank you so much to Miss Kachwalla, Miss Lyons and Miss Woods for giving up their time to support the children on their super trip. It’s been lovely to hear about their favourite parts and they have made memories that will last a life time. For all the photos please click here: https://www.stbarnabasdarwen.co.uk/photo-galleries/year-5-hothersall-lodge-residential
Our Year 2 children will be taking their KS1 SATS over the next couple of weeks, but it is much more informal than KS2 SATS. The ‘quizzes’ will be taken in small groups with Mr Bloomfield in our rainbow room. We wish them lots of luck and know that they will shine.
For all the other news from this week, including a mock baptism in Year 1, our super netball team and hunting for natural materials in Year 3, please click here:
I hope that you all are able to enjoy the sunshine this weekend. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham