Spring 2 half term starts
Monday 24th February: Spring 2 half term begins. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.
Year 6 parents London trip information meeting
Good morning Year 6 parents and carers, on Wednesday 5th March at 5.15pm, I will be holding a London information evening for children and parents. Here you will have the opportunity to ask any questions that you have and you will learn all about what we will be doing in London and what the children will need to bring. If you are unable to attend, I will share the powerpoint on class dojo after the meeting and please do not hesitate to ask any questions via class dojo. I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting. Kind regards, Mrs Ham
Year 6 London Visit
Our Year 6 children will be spending two full days and one night in London. They will be visiting the Houses of Parliament, the Natural History Museum, watching a musical in the West End and will also have a guided tour of London visiting all of the famous sights. They will also be learning about the History of London and compare Darwen with London as part of their Geography unit.
Break up early for Easter holidays
Thursday 10th April: We break up early at 2.00pm for the Easter holidays. Summer term starts on Tuesday 22nd April.
Summer term starts
Tuesday 22nd April: Summer term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.
Break up for Summer half term holidays
Friday 23rd May: Break up at the normal time for the Summer half term holidays. Summer 2 half terms begins on Monday 9th June.
Summer 2 half term starts
Monday 19th June: Summer 2 half term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.
Break up early for Summer holidays
Friday 18th July: Break up early at 2.00pm for the Summer holidays. Wishing you all a wonderful Summer holiday!