21 Jan

Life Education PSHE workshops

Each class will have an interactive workshop delivered by Coram Life Education, addressing children’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. This approach is designed to give pupils a voice and for them to feel empowered, able to identify and articulate their needs and feelings and to make healthy choices. Harold, their healthy-living giraffe mascot, helps to convey these messages to children, within a magical learning environment. Children's experience of Coram Life Education’s workshops is fun, engaging and memorable. On either Tuesday 21st or Wednesday 22nd each class will have a special Life Education session led by Karen and Harold the Giraffe from Coram Scarf. The children have really enjoyed the sessions over the last couple of years and they supplement our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Economic Education) curriculum. Harold the Giraffe scratch bookmarks will also be on sale for £1.00 for 2 bookmarks, 2 ribbons and a wooden stylus. The sessions will cover the following: Reception: All about me Year 1: My wonderful body Year 2: Feelings Year 3: Meet the brain Year 4: Great to be me Year 5: Friends Year 6: Decisions There will be an information session for parents on the Wednesday morning from 8.45-0.00am in the library area, should you have any questions or would like to know more about the sessions.

22 Jan

Reception Stay and Play

Parents and carers from our Reception class are welcome to come and join us for a stay and play session. Preschool children and younger siblings are also welcome to attend! We respectfully ask that only one adult attends per child. Thanks.

29 Jan

Reception Stay and Play

Parents and carers from our Reception class are welcome to come and join us for a stay and play session. Preschool children and younger siblings are also welcome to attend! We respectfully ask that only one adult attends per child. Thanks.

5 Feb

Reception Stay and Play

Parents and carers from our Reception class are welcome to come and join us for a stay and play session. Preschool children and younger siblings are also welcome to attend! We respectfully ask that only one adult attends per child. Thanks.

14 Feb

Break up for the half term holidays

Friday 14th February- We break up at the normal time for the February Spring half term holidays. Spring 2 term starts on Monday 24th February.

24 Feb

Spring 2 half term starts

Monday 24th February: Spring 2 half term begins. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.

10 Apr

Break up early for Easter holidays

Thursday 10th April: We break up early at 2.00pm for the Easter holidays. Summer term starts on Tuesday 22nd April.

22 Apr

Summer term starts

Tuesday 22nd April: Summer term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.

23 May

Break up for Summer half term holidays

Friday 23rd May: Break up at the normal time for the Summer half term holidays. Summer 2 half terms begins on Monday 9th June.

9 Jun

Summer 2 half term starts

Monday 19th June: Summer 2 half term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.

18 Jul

Break up early for Summer holidays

Friday 18th July: Break up early at 2.00pm for the Summer holidays. Wishing you all a wonderful Summer holiday!