Mrs Gardner

Mrs Gardner

PSHE and RSE leader

Mrs Gardner is our PSHE and RSE subject leader. She also leads PSHE across our local School Improvement Group (SIG). 

For all the latest PSHE curriculum news, please click here.

We would like to introduce you to our ‘Wellbeing Warriors’. The Wellbeing Warriors help to support PSHE ( Personal Social Health Education ) in school by promoting events such as Hello Yellow Day for mental health and Anti-Bullying Week with Odd Socks day. They will also meet weekly to discuss how we can improve our PSHE lessons, take part in pupil interviews and monitor scrapbooks. Their latest campaign is tackling idling in cars around our school. 

Wellbeing Warrior Documents

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Our overarching aim at St Barnabas is for our pupils to achieve great things and live life in all its fullness. Offering a well-rounded and balanced curriculum is one way we work towards achieving this and PSHE provides the perfect platform for children to achieve great things and explore what living a full life might look like for them and the people around them. At St Barnabas, we believe that PSHE plays a fundamental part in the development of our children. We aim to deliver a PSHE curriculum which not only tackles a range of themes and issues, but also equips them with essential knowledge and skills needed for lifelong learning. Our christian school values are embedded within our school culture and underpin everything we do. We believe it is imperative for children to be given the tools to be successful. At St Barnabas our aim is to achieve great things by creating a happy vibrant environment where diversity and individuality are celebrated.

Our PSHE curriculum develops learning and results in the ability to enable children to access the wider curriculum and prepare them to be a global citizen now and in their future roles within a global community.

Our Relationships and Sex Education enables our children to learn how to be safe, and to understand and develop healthy relationships, both now and in the future.

Through carefully planned and resourced lessons which support social, moral, spiritual and cultural development we can provide our children with the essentials of safeguarding issues and emotional well-being. We nurture and inspire our children to develop confidence and resilience in an environment where efforts are valued and all children flourish. 



At St Barnabas we use a ‘Question Based’ model scheme of work which is not only in line with the National Curriculum, but meets the specific needs of our pupils. The PSHE curriculum has been developed around the children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for life, helping them to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. We build in developmental progression by revisiting themes year on year, building on and extending prior learning. Our PSHE programme of study follows three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in The Wider World. These themes bring together citizenship with personal well-being through a values based education. It is intended to support the school in developing a coherent whole school approach to personal, social, health and economic well-being. We encourage visiting professionals to provide talks  and undertake workshops for our pupils.  PSHE values are also introduced in and explored within both whole school and key stage worships. PSHE is delivered through a range of whole school activities.  Pupils will be given the opportunity to join and contribute to local and national initiatives eg. Anti-bullying week and Hello Yellow Day,community events and school fundraising activities. Pupils are actively encouraged to take part in school worships and raise awareness for key issues. Our children are also asked to express their thoughts and opinions.  The PSHE Warriors  play an active role in pupil voice and meet regularly to discuss the latest initiatives and undertake pupil conferencing. Pupils are also given the opportunity to enhance their learning and engage in concepts and content of the subject through learning in other subjects and areas of the curriculum and out of school. In the wider community, we believe that focusing on developing a 'Growth Mindset' in our children will help them to build resilience, independence and confidence; embrace challenges; foster a love of learning; and increase their level of happiness. It is our duty at St Barnabas to create a classroom environment where children feel safe, confident and valued.



By the time children leave St Barnabas, we believe our PSHE curriculum will have allowed them to develop the vocabulary and confidence needed to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings with ever increasing openness, trust and respect. Our children will have the knowledge of how to develop their self-esteem and self-awareness and make informed choices and decisions. They will be able to make more sense of their own personal and social experiences and can understand and manage their own feelings. Our school prioritizes physical and mental health, providing children with skills to evaluate and understand their own wellbeing needs in order to move forward with confidence and achieve great things. Children shall understand what  is meant by ‘Resilience’ and develop the ability to bounce back from life’s everyday challenges with a positive growth mindset. Through informative lessons, they will understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level and share a respect for themselves and that of others.Our children will leave our school family as confident, happy citizens, able to celebrate diversity and encourage each other to respect and embrace differences. 

For all the latest PSHE curriculum news, please click here.



PSHE and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Documents

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