Welcome to our school website.

At St Barnabas we strive to help every child to, ‘achieve great things’ and live ‘life in all its fullness’ by inspiring them with rich, fun experiences and equipping them with a love of learning. Our school has a strong Christian ethos built on our core Gospel values which the children chose themselves: Trust, Forgiveness,Friendship, Generosity, Respect, Service and Courage. St Barnabas was known in the Bible as an encourager so we try to follow his example and encourage others. With close links with our parish church, other schools in our multi-academy Trust and our dedicated team of staff, governors and parents, we take pride in, “Learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family”. 

We would welcome you to come along and visit our school as ‘Every day is an open day at St Barnabas’. If you would like to arrange a visit then please contact our school office on 01254 702996 or email [email protected]. Please check out our school twitter feed @stbarnabasce or our gallery to see all of the fun things we get up to at St Barnabas.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to our St Barnabas school family,

Mrs Becky Ham



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5 July 2024
10 July 2024
09:00 – 09:30

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Image of Year 3- Science- Use scientific language to describe how plants reproduce.
2 Jul

Year 3- Science- Use scientific language to describe how plants reproduce.

This afternoon in science, Year 3 investigated how seed dispersal helps some plants reproduce. They were able to explain that dandelions use the wind to spread their seeds, cherry trees rely on birds to eat the seeds and then disperse them through their droppings, wild cucumbers burst to scatter their seeds explosively, burdock plants use their spikes to hitch a ride to a new location and coconut trees use water dispersal to disperse their seeds by letting them fall on the beach and when the tide comes in, the tide picks up the coconut and carries it to another to grow.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship
1 Jul

Rev Ben’s Worship

In Rev Ben’s worship, we looked at what it means to describe something and we started with a challenge: Lucy, Hamza, Poppy and Isaac had to describe something to their partner without using the chosen word or actions. Rev Ben then spoke about how God describes things to us and that the Bible speaks God’s truth. The worship was concluded by the children expressing their favourite bible stories and what they feel the purpose of the Bible is today.

Image of Year 3- History-Explain the limitations of archaeological evidence
1 Jul

Year 3- History-Explain the limitations of archaeological evidence

Today in history, Year 3 explored the limitations of archaeological evidence using digital dwellings at Skara Brae. They examined a hearth in the middle of a room and discussed what they could see. They learned that clear evidence proves the object was a hearth, which they concluded was used for heating and cooking. They justified this by noting its central location and practical uses. The class completed three columns: one with certainties (e.g., the hearth and the Neolithic people hunted, they used the antlers from deer for making tools and jewellery, another with possibilities (e.g., a place to clean yourself or sleep), and a third with their questions about Skara Brae. They also watched clips and learned that Skara Brae is located on the Orkney Islands, off the north coast of Scotland and was the home of a Neolithic farming community.

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