Welcome to our school website.

At St Barnabas we strive to help every child to, ‘achieve great things’ and live ‘life in all its fullness’ by inspiring them with rich, fun experiences and equipping them with a love of learning. Our school has a strong Christian ethos built on our core Gospel values which the children chose themselves: Trust, Forgiveness,Friendship, Generosity, Respect, Service and Courage. St Barnabas was known in the Bible as an encourager so we try to follow his example and encourage others. With close links with our parish church, other schools in our multi-academy Trust and our dedicated team of staff, governors and parents, we take pride in, “Learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family”. 

We would welcome you to come along and visit our school as ‘Every day is an open day at St Barnabas’. If you would like to arrange a visit then please contact our school office on 01254 702996 or email [email protected]. Please check out our school twitter/ X page , our facebook page, our gallery or latest news to see all of the fun things we get up to at St Barnabas.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to our St Barnabas school family,

Mrs Becky Ham




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26 March 2025
09:00 – 09:30
26 March 2025
09:00 – 10:00
26 March 2025
15:30 – 16:30

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Image of Year 5 - Levers and Pulleys
25 Mar

Year 5 - Levers and Pulleys

Year 5 explored the fascinating world of levers and pulleys in science! From pushing, pulling and dragging to testing forces in action. The children worked together to investigate how these simple machines make lifting easier. A hands-on lesson filled with curiosity and discovery!

Image of Year 1 D&T- Making Healthy Breakfast Pots
25 Mar

Year 1 D&T- Making Healthy Breakfast Pots

Today was the day that Year 1 have been waiting for. They have spent several design and technology lessons building up to this final lesson (making their healthy breakfast pot). Over the last couple of weeks, they have done some taste testing, learnt and practised some cutting techniques (bridge hold and fork secure) and planned and designed a healthy breakfast pot for a friend based on their preferences. They thoroughly enjoyed putting their new skills to the test by chopping up lots of fruit, making sure that they followed their design criteria correctly and tried their best to layer their ingredients to make them look a delight to eat. Well done Year 1!

Image of Mad Science Club- Lab Works
24 Mar

Mad Science Club- Lab Works

Today in Mad Science Club, we became real scientists. The children got to use real lab equipment to stir, swish, and swirl different mixtures. It was a hands-on introduction to laboratory techniques, and everyone participated in the experiments and had great fun.

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