Image of Little Voices after school club
14 May

Little Voices after school club

Our Little Voices after school club had lots of fun playing games to develop their confidence and they then practised the song that they will be performing to their parents next week.

Image of Year 3 - Art - Botanical Drawing
14 May

Year 3 - Art - Botanical Drawing

For Art this week we looked at how scientists would draw detailed pictures of plants and flowers to help study them and document them. We had our own go at drawing some flowers and leaves using magnifying glasses to help us capture the fine details.

Image of Reception: Songs of Praise
14 May

Reception: Songs of Praise

Our Ducklings enjoyed our class worship today. We sang two of our favourites, build up and make a difference. We then learnt a new song called ‘We’re all together again’ which is all about everybody being a valued member of our class. The children really enjoyed it and sang beautifully. We ended our worship with some very thoughtful prayers by Edward, Summer, Cici and Hollie.

Image of Year 5 PGL- Raft Building
14 May

Year 5 PGL- Raft Building

Year 5 are having lots of fun and are showing friendship and teamwork when building rafts on their PGL residential. Well done Year 5! For all of the PGL photos so far, click here:

Image of Year 4 - Smart School Council
14 May

Year 4 - Smart School Council

Special school trips were the main discussion point in Smart School Council this week. Once our notary and debate leader were chosen, the class were presented with a debate about school trips. The children were presented with 4 options for possible future school trips and they had to try and agree on one per group as each group was only allowed one vote. The options were football match, beach, museum/art gallery and theme park. And the winner was… …theme park! We then went on to pledge to take action on 6 school improvement ideas.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Sound Insulation
14 May

Year 4 - Science: Sound Insulation

Last week, the children designed an investigation to test different materials for their ability to insulate against sound. They learned that soft materials with lots of holes, like foam, are best for absorbing sound. They made their predictions based on this information. This week, the children made their own ear defenders using different materials. They then tested them by holding them to their ears while a drum was played. The children tried out each material and decided which of them made good insulators. The majority of the class agreed that cotton wool and fabric made the best insulators. They found that foil was the worst insulator.

Image of Year 3 - Class Worship - Passover
13 May

Year 3 - Class Worship - Passover

Today for class worship we listened to the story of how Moses helped the Israelites escape Egypt and cross the sea to safety. We learnt about how the Jews celebrate this each year and this is called Passover.

Image of Reception: Monday worship- The Great Escape
13 May

Reception: Monday worship- The Great Escape

Today our Ducklings started our worship with some call and response from Lisa from Blackburn Diocese. We said God is good, all the time, Amen. We listened to the story from the Old Testament called ‘The Great Escape’. God’s people were saved and freed. Bishop Phillip explained that the story was like us playing a computer game where we were in control. Moses was in control and led God’s people to safety with the help from God. The Red Sea split into two to help God’s people to escape from the army. God sent Moses to free the Israelites. God sent his son to lead us to freedom from sin. Today, we rejoice in the gift of freedom. We all prayed together and thanked God for being with us always. We finished our worship by singing ‘Our God is a Great Big God’.

Image of Year 3 - Road Safety
13 May

Year 3 - Road Safety

This afternoon we had Katie from Blackburn with Darwen council visit us to teach us all about road safety. We practiced how to cross the road safely and how to use a zebra crossing. We also learnt about lollipop people and how hi-vis works and why certain people will wear a hi-vis jacket.

Image of Year 1- Road Safety Visit
13 May

Year 1- Road Safety Visit

This afternoon in Year 1, we had visit from Road Safety Officer Katie. We learnt the Green Cross Code which is to only Cross the road when we have stopped, looked, listened and thought. Katie then talked to us about how we should put this into practice when we are making decisions concerning our roads. Katie then spoke to us about the dangers of having our shoe laces undone, being on an electronic device and wearing headphones whilst crossing the road as well as running across a road and following a ball or other object that has rolled into the road. We discussed these in depth and decided that anything that would result in us being distracted, not being able to hear properly or potentially resulting in us falling and being stranded in the middle of the road would be incredibly dangerous and we should take precautions so that they don’t happen . Katie then shared one of the most common ways for people getting hurt whilst crossing the road. This is when people cross the road between two parked cars. We learnt that by doing this, you can’t see the oncoming traffic properly and the oncoming traffic can’t see you. Therefore, Katie told us that we must cross the road in a safe place where you have full visibility of the road and the oncoming traffic has clear visibility of you. Late at night, this would mean that you would also need to wear fluorescent and reflective clothes and/or accessories. Katie gave us lots of these- thank you! Throughout the lesson, we took to the crossing and practised some of these road safety skills that we had learnt. To end the lesson, Katie talked to us about the importance of a seat belt. She told us that the seatbelt should sit positioned between our shoulder bone and hip bone and then securely fastened. Katie also told us that we needed to be a certain height in order for this seatbelt to fulfil its job of keeping us safe. All of us were measured and we all discovered that we need a booster seat to ensure that we are the appropriate height for the seatbelt to do it’s job. Thank you to Katie for a very informative session.

Image of Year 1- Performance Poetry
13 May

Year 1- Performance Poetry

Today, Year 1 recited and performed the poem ‘Oh Dear’ by Michael Rosen. They have been working on their performance skills and today they did brilliantly at putting these into practice during their performance. They worked hard to project their voice, speak clearly and with expression and use the appropriate facial expressions. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 5 PGL - Abseiling
13 May

Year 5 PGL - Abseiling

Year 5, Mr Bloomfield, Miss Kachwalla and Rev Ben have arrived at Winmarleigh Hall for their two night PGL residential and have taken part in a number of outdoor and adventurous activities such as abseiling, survival, passport to the world and vertical climb. We hope you have an amazing time living life in all its fullness! All of the photos so far can be found here: